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Welcome to Jeannie's Singing Subscription Series!
I'm so happy you're joining me for this in-depth exploration of what your singing voice can do and become.
How to Navigate Through the Series
This members-only series for singers is organized into several categories of topics to explore: Technique, Exercises, Healthy Habits, Belting, Improvisation, and Performance. Each category has its own page, and within each page you'll find a variety of content including how-to videos, exercises, blogs, and PDFs and MP3s that you can stream to practice with. This content draws from my 30+ years of teaching people of all ages how to sing and perform a wide variety of popular styles and techniques, always coming back to singing in a healthy and sustainable way.
Hi members! I'll post announcements here for you as needed.
August 25, 2021: Are you all able to access the FaceBook Members page? I've heard that it hasn't been working properly. If so please email me right away!
July 19, 2021: I noticed one exercise audio track wasn't playing back properly, and just fixed it. If that ever happens please email me and I'll fix it right away!
--Also, please be advised that I'm moving this summer so I'm a little slower getting content uploaded this month, but hang in there, my goal is at lease one new exercise or blog once a week! Thanks all! Warmly, Jeannie
New content is added all the time!
As a member you have full access to all the materials in the series at any time. New content is announced here on this Member's Home page, and the link by the announcement (or on its picture) will take you right to the Category page for that video, blog, or exercise. You get to study at your own pace, and come back to an exercise or video as often as you like. As often as every week or two new content is added, so be sure to come back frequently to see what's new.
What Inspired the Series
Because there's so much that goes into vocal study, it's nearly impossible to learn everything in just a few lessons. It takes time. And because each person has their own learning style, habits, strengths, weaknesses, and reasons for investing in their singing, there's no one sure-fire way to teach singing that works for everyone. Singing is one of the most joyful and expressive things we can do, and has even been shown in several studies to boost your immune system! These reasons and more keep me immensely passionate about teaching you how to reach your full potential, regardless of whether you're new to vocal study or a pro. I have been fortunate to be with music my whole life, and music with me. I am excited to share with you what I've learned and develop throughout my life, in this Series.
As you explore the content here you'll find I touch upon many areas of singing that serve as life lessons as well as singing tips, such as finding balance, being kind to yourself, and always focusing on growth. It is known that we humans are happiest when we are learning. I hope that this Series will bring you some of that happiness!
How to Practice
When you're ready to sit down and sing, start by stretching you body. Then, begin with the Exercises section for a gentle, focused warmup of about 10-15 minutes. Once you're feeling warmed up you can move onto more exercises and techniques throughout the site. Explore the different topics, then bookmark where you want to come back to.
How much should you practice? If your goal is to improve steadily, plan to practice both technique and songs about five times a week, for at least an hour a day. Don't go beyond two hours a day or you can overdo it. You can also learn lyrics while doing other activities (I learn them while doing the dishes or working out!), saving your practice time for building your instrumental skill.
The series offers a balance of practical exercises with demonstrations for getting the most out of your singing. A mind that understands how the singer's body works, is better primed to support the singer's voice body. Many exercises are also laid out in my books Your Singing Voice and Belting, and support building a practice routine. I'll be referring to and demonstrating these exercises throughout the Series.
Facebook Group
I've created a members-only Facebook group so you can chat with one another and share ideas, practice tips, inspiration, etc. 8/20/2021: The link has been a little snarky so if it isn't working please email me at info@jeanniegagne.com!
Latest Posts
Come back each week to find new exercises, tips and videos!
In this video, Jeannie discusses and demonstrates differences between using vibrato—when a held note has an oscillation up and down around the pitch center—and straight tone (no vibrato).
This exercise takes you through two different kinds of arpeggio exercises. The video starts with an important announcement for October.
Explore Jeannie's Videos, Exercises, and Blogposts
You'll find lots of content here within these different topics. Come back and explore often!
Photo Credits
Vidar Nordli-Mithisen, Jeffrey Hamilton, Christin Hume, Austin Neill, Jenny Hill
The Blog
Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.
22 septembre 2021Singing with a belt voice is so exciting! It's dramatic, emotional, powerful, and loud! And it...9 août 2021Singing is one of those things that many people take for granted. You walk around with a built-in...7 juin 2021While keeping a practice journal each day adds an extra step, it is well worth it. By being...More Posts
© 2020-2021 Jeannie Gagné Music LLC / All Rights Reserved / photos © Mark Stallings